How to repurpose your beauty packaging

Learn how to reuse your beauty packaging and reduce your waste with these creative hacks.

There’s no escaping the fact that we live in a world where our consumption has become a problem. But the world is waking up! And designers are consciously creating products where the packaging has a reusable, practical function – either that, or they make it way too pretty to throw away.

So, if you’re like us and hoarding a collection of empty bottles and jars, get inspired with these creative hacks and learn how to upcycle your empties, while helping to reduce your waste at the same time.


The last spritz of your Signature Parfum isn’t where the journey ends for your beloved perfume. Consciously designed with a removable and reusable photo frame, repurposing your beauty packaging doesn’t get easier than this. Simply detach the real wooden frame from the bottle, and insert your favourite photos while elevating your interiors at the same time.

We know finding a Signature scent will see you collecting many of these frames, so why not stack and glue them together to create a photo wall. Try mixing up photos in both portrait and landscape formats, to create a cool polaroid style photo wall with lots of memories combined together.

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